Dissertations - 2017
Ana Paula Marinho Dias
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Durval Luiz de Faria
Key words: women; conjugality; Analytical Psychology.
Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the psychological aspects of conjugality of adult women and to study how nowadays women deals with the expectations and difficulties that arise during the conjugal relationship, searching to identify what resources are used to face these difficulties. The theoretical framework that guides this study is that of the Analytical Psychology of Carl G. Jung and other Jungian authors. The method chosen was the qualitative research, using semi-directed interview and expressive technique (drawing) as research instruments. Participants were heterosexual women aged between 32 and 39 years, belonging to the middle socio-cultural class, with a high educational level and who had already experienced at least one experience of conjugality. The results suggest that for participants conjugality is the union between two people, who wish to live together and to build a history of a life in common. For some participants the development of the conjugal field is more important than the development of the individual field. Among the expectations found, we could mention the possibility of experiencing affects as: love, joy, happiness and companionship. The difficulties identified were related to: interference from the family of origin, boredom in the affective relationship and absence of partner‟s commitment.