From the father-daughter relationship to the professional woman. A qualitative Jungian study with young women.
Ana Carolina Falcone Garcia
Advisor: Durval de Faria
Key words: father daughter, professional woman, Jungian psychology.
Abstract: This paper aimed at showing the relationship father-daughter in attempt to understand the way this relationship affects the development of a woman in her career. In this sense, we looked forward both to some characteristics of this relationship and the attitude of a young adult woman in her professional work. The analysis also permitted the discussion about these characteristics whether they were attached to the image of the father or to the parental complex, thus, affecting or not the behavior of a woman in her professional environment. In addition, we also examined a partial integration of the animus in this crucial moment of the life of a woman. The qualitative method was employed in this search and semi-structured interviews were conducted with six young adult women. The participants´ mean age was between 28 and 35 years of age. The results indicate that the relationship father-daughter is significant for the women both in terms of development of affection as well as in terms of guidance to her career. Anyway, we realized that the majority of women are still attached to one or other parental complex, so, while the influence of the father is important at the moment of choosing a career, conversely, the representation of the mother works as an “anti-model”. We also realized that the dimension of the animus of action influences most of our interviewees. In this way, the animus has been partially integrated in the life of a woman, playing an important role in this particularly period of her life.