Daniela Wink Ruiz
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Liliana Liviano Wahba
Key words: Crisis, transition, mid-life, work, individuation process, Jungian Psychology.
Abstract: This research seeks to understand work crisis and mid-life transition in 10 participants aged 35-50 years old. The title “New Awakening” refers to a possible renovation of the human psyche when it comes to facing crisis. If it is understood and taken into awareness the individuation process can be facilitated, which makes the existence more meaningful. Theory is based on notions on mid-life transition regarded as extremely important for the individuation process aiming at providing individuals with wholeness from the Jungian psychological perspective. The field of work is regarded as a stage on which crisis may evolve due to significant changes that stem from globalization and technology advances. The analysis of the interviews uses narrative as an instrument for hermeneutic reading and content analysis. The results point out three trends that depict a moment of possible crisis resolution closely connected to mid-life transition. In general, the accounts pinpointing an introspective reflection show more ability for the person to overcome crisis as well as certain quality in mid-life transition moment with an expansion of existential possibilities. Conversely, other accounts indicate incipient reflection by focusing on external orientation and the persona (roles). At last but not least, there are those who - for having incipient and sparse reflection – prioritize a frustration and victimization attitude by blaming others for their own difficulties. To sum up, the ability to reflect and question our human existence are part of a satisfactory crisis breakthrough that contributes to quality in mid-life transition understood as individuation process.