A proposal of psychotherapeutic intervention for hypertensive adults.
Maria Raimunda Ribeiro
Advisor: Denise G. Ramos
Key Words: psychotherapy, hypertension, Jungian psychology, body techniques, group dynamics
Abstract:The objective of this dissertation was to observe a therapeutic intervention model for hypertensive adults in groups, having the theoretic corpus based on analytic psychology and using the resources of corporal works and group dynamics. There were seven (7) individuals analyzed from ambulatory SANATORINHOS - Ação Comunitária de Saúde, in São Paulo (since 1948), which gives specialized services in the diagnosis of cardiological and pulmonary problems. The study starts with some basic concepts of hypertensive pathology, defining what hypertension is, the damage caused by arterial hypertension, the risk factors, the physiopathology of hypertension, diagnosis, some epidemiological data, prevention and treatment. Followed by some contributions of recent researches in this field. The control instrument was the Generic Appraisal Quality of Living Questionnaire (SF-36), applied before and after the procedure, which results indicate that the proposal of intervention for hypertensive caused improvement in the physical components (functional capacity, physical aspects, pain and general state of health) and in the mental components (mental health, emotional aspects, social aspects and vitality) of the described patients. it is suggested that this intervention be used in preventive psychosocial strategies with greater amplitude, through the pioneer application of analytic psychology in group.