THESIS - 2021
Helena Catharina Lyrio-Carvalho
Advisor: Prof Dr. Denise Gimenez Ramos
Keywords:Self-esteem. Quality of life. Infertility. Childless women. Analytical Psychology.
Abstract: This study aimed at investigating and comparing self-esteem, perception of quality of life and meaning of non-maternity of voluntarily childless women and infertile women. Research comprised a sequential mixed method, by which results of the quantitative stage helped identify participants of the qualitative stage. Quantitative data came from an online questionnaire with sociodemographic questions, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (EAR) and the WHOQOL-Bref. Statistical analysis involved the responses provided by 132 women, living in São Paulo, SP, aged over 50 years, who, regardless of marital status, were not and had not been mothers, either of their own or adopted children, neither of stepchildren. From this group, seven women were selected – four who had chosen not to have children and three who did not have children because of infertility – to participate in the qualitative stage, which included a semi-structured interview and the use of drawing as expressive technique. Narratives and graphic productions allowed the identification of themes that were analyzed using the theoretical framework of Analytical Psychology. Overall, quantitative results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between women who chose not to have children and infertile women, in terms of self-esteem and perception of quality of life, with average results of both variables towards the upper end of the scales. These data were reinforced in the qualitative stage, as all interviewees, with one exception, expressed satisfaction with themselves and with their own life trajectory, which points to the possibility of building a positive self-esteem, regardless of the reason – option or infertility – that led the woman to a life without children. Combined analysis of quantitative and qualitative results allowed the identification of aspects that would contribute to the construction of a positive self-esteem and the sense of fulfilment among childless women: (a) conciliation between personal limits and developed potentials and (b) presence of circumstances that favor the confrontation of social expectations related to motherhood.