



General information
1. All papers presented at the Meeting must be original and unpublished.
2. All foreign participants shall send their papers in English (until August 20) and after, in Portuguese or Spanish (until August 31).

1. The Organizing Commission will send the texts to Professional translators in Brazil, if authors so require (something that has to be done in written to the e-mail cepragmatismo@pucsp.br), as long as the authors accept the payment of an additional fee - besides the enrollment one - of R$ 200,00 (Two hundred Reais, equivalent to 75 Euros, or 100 US Dollars). This amount will be paid in Brazilian currency during the event (see additional information in the REGISTRATION link).
2. In that case the Organizing Commission will send the translated text back (from English into Portuguese) in up to twenty days prior to the event, so the author can prepare his/her presentation in Power Point (see item PRESENTATIONOF ARTICLE DURING 12th IMP, below)

3. Responsibility for the information: The content of the information contained in the papers and abstracts is the entire responsibility of their respective authors; however, the organizing committee reserves itself the right to make minor grammar or typing reviews and to alter the format of the information to be published.


We recommend 8 pages for the Communications and up to 12 pages for the Conferences.

Type of file extensions: the files have to be elaborated with extension .DOC or .RTF, both extensions of the Microsoft Word software.

Format: A4 size paper, 3cm margins, Times New Roman source, letter-size 12, justified paragraphs, first line with 1cm indentation, 1.5 space between lines, simple space between paragraphs.
Structure: title and subtitle (if there is one), separated by colon and aligned to the left on the first line, and only the initial letters are capitalized; followed by the complete name of the authors, the institution to which they belong and their electronic mails, aligned to the left on the second, third and fourth lines, respectively; subtitles of the sections (if it is the case) aligned to the left, in negrito, without indentation of paragraph.

Quotations up to three lines should be between double quotation marks; single quotation marks should be used for a quotation within a quotation. Quotations with more than three lines should be highlighted by a 4-cm indentation on the left margin, in Times New Roman letter-size 11, without quotation marks. Suppressions in quotations should be indicated by ellipsis within brackets, and interpolations or commentaries should be within brackets. To emphasize sections of quotations they should be highlighted either through the expression 'our italics' in parentheses, after the reference, or 'author's italics', should it be already part of the consulted work. Quotations may be indicated in the text by a numerical system (referring the reader to a footnote) or author-date.

Footnotes, which are referential, explanatory or include indications, observations and additions to the text, should be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals and given in superscript after the punctuation closing the quotation, and repeated at the beginning of the corresponding note. The footnote text should be in Times New Roman 10.

At the end of the text, references consulted should be indicated.
A generic sequence of the essential elements of a reference can be represented as follows:

AUTHOR. Title. edition. Location: Publisher, date. GOWER, Barry. Scientific Method: an Historical and Philosophical Introduction. London: Routledge, 1997.

As a general rule, the author should be indicated by the surname in capitals, followed by a comma and christian name(s) and other middle names. In the case of up to three authors, all of them should be indicated, separated by a semi-colon. In the case of more than three authors, the first one should appear, followed by "et al.". Should the work involve a number of works or contributions from various authors, the person who is intellectually responsible for it (coordinator, organizer, etc.) should appear, followed by an abbreviated word characterizing the type of responsibility, in brackets. Works by entities are generally entered with their full names in capitals.

The title of the work should be highlighted in italics, and separated from the subtitle by a colon. The edition, when mentioned in the work, should be indicated in abbreviated ordinal numerals and the word "edition", and both in the language of the publication.

Should there be more than one location for a single publisher, the primary or major publisher should be indicated. In the case of homonymous cities, the name of the state, country, etc should be mentioned. When the city is not mentioned in the publication, but can be identified, it should be indicated in brackets. If the location cannot be determined, the expression sine loco should be used, abbreviated, in brackets : [S.l.].
Should there be two publishers, both are to be indicated, with their respective locations (cities). Should there be three or more publishers, the first or the most prominent, should be indicated. When a publisher cannot be identified, the expression sine nomine should be used, abbreviated, and in brackets: [s.n.].

When both the location and publisher cannot be identified, both expressions are used and abbreviated, in brackets: [S.l.: s.n.].

If no date of publication, distribution, copyright or printing can be determined, an approximate date should be recorded in brackets. The months should be abbreviated in the language of the publication. Divisions of years in quarters, halves, etc., to indicate date of publication, should also be abbreviated.

In the case of part of a periodical (volume, issue, section, special issue or other), the following sequence should be observed:

TITLE (of publication). Location: Publisher, volume, number (of the year and/or volume, and of the issue), date (including period of publication).

RAE - REVISTA DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO DE EMPRESAS. São Paulo: Fundação Getúlio Vargas, v. 41, n. 2, abr./jun. 2001.

In the case of articles in periodicals, the following sequence should be followed:

AUTHOR. Title and subtitle (of article). Title (of periodical), Location, volume and/or year, issue or number, initial and final page of the article, date or period of publication.

GUMBRECHT, Hans Ulrich. Emergence: a Response to João Mattar. Cognitio: revista de filosofia, São Paulo, v. 4, n. 2, p. 194-196, jul./dez. 2003.

In the case of articles in newspapers, the following sequence should be followed:

AUTHOR. Title (of article). Title (of newspaper), Location, date (day, month and year). Physical description (section, supplement or part of the newspaper, and corresponding pages).

COLOMBO, Sylvia. Inédito de Antonio Candido é lançado este ano. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 21 maio 2001. Folha Ilustrada, E 6.

In the case of multimedia material, apart from traditional reference elements, the physical description of the electronic media should be added. Examples:

KOLB, David. Socrates in the Labyrinth:Hhypertext, Argument, Philosophy. Watertown, MA: Eastgate, 1994. 1 disk.

Introdução à teoria musical. Brasília: MDS software, 1995. 1 CD-ROM..

WOLFINGER, Kirk (Prod.). To the Moon. Boston: WGBH, 1999. 1 DVD.

Apart from traditional elements, reference to documents consulted on-line should include the electronic address (URL), shown between the signs < > and preceded by the expression "Available at:", and the date of access to the document, preceded by the expression "Visited on:", besides other notes considered necessary. Example:

FERNANDES, Adriana; ANDRADE, Renato. Imports will pay higher Cofins and PIS taxes as of May. Estadao.com.br, São Paulo, 27 jan. 2004. Available at: <www.estadao.com.br/economia/noticias/2004/jan/27/192.htm>. Visited on: 28 jan. 2004.

In case the text and the presentation of the Communication or Conference carries any images, these sources must be informed in the text by the author, next to where they are cited.

Cases not included in these rules should use, as reference, ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) standards for information and documentation.


To be properly identified, the file should contain the following information:
CAPITALIZED LAST NAME OF AUTHOR (as used in scientific quotations), followed by an underline ( _ ), and the information <abstract> or <article>, whichever is the case.

For instance: for the name John Peter Michael, the identification of the abstract file will be: <MICHAEL_abstract>; for the file containing the full text, it will be <MICHAEL_article>.

Please submit the file to the e-mail address cepragmatismo@pucsp.br


1. The time for the presentation of each Communication is 30 minutes; 20 minutes for the presentation of the work and 10 minutes for the debate.
2. For the presentation, each author must prepare a digital file - a Power Point type - with a translated version of the original text (or an abstract of it). This file will have to be projected to the audience during the presentation of the article (the Organizing Commission will be responsible for the equipment). Thus, for example, the authors who are going to present their articles in English will have to prepare this digital presentation based on the text translated into Portuguese or into Spanish.


All abstracts that will integrate the Communications Program will be published in the BROCHURE OF ABSTRACTS of the 12th International Meeting on Pragmatism - ISSN 1983-9537, in bilingual version.
Each author has the right to one of these brochures and will be given one at the beginning of the event.


In case the author is interested in having his or her article, the one presented at the 12th International Meeting on Pragmatism, published in one of the journals published every semester by the Centre for Pragmatism Studies, he or she must make his or her text conform to the norms for publication in these journals, norms that are available at the site of the Centre for Pragmatism Studies in the internet at: http:www.pucsp.br/pos/filosofia/Pragmatismo.

The journals are:

COGNITIO: Revista de Filosofia - ISSN 1518-7187
COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia - ISSN 1809-8428

The authors must be aware of the fact that all texts submitted to the Editorial Commission of those journals must follow the respective editorial projects (see information at the above-mentioned site) and will be submitted to its consultants, by means of the process of anonymous submission.

In all cases, we recommend a revision of the article after it has been presented at the event, considering eventual discussions that follow its presentation. The process of submission is continuous so the author can submit his or her articles at any time of the year.

If the author wishes to submit the text of the Conference or Communication presented at the 12th International Meeting on Pragmatism to the journal, without posterior revision, he or she must send, along with the file, a LETTER AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION.


Center for Pragmatism Studies / PUC-SP
Rua Ministro Godoy, 969, 4º andar, sala 4E16 — Perdizes São Paulo — SP — Brazil — 05015-901