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In the transition from biopolitics to ecopolitics, the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the atomic bombs, in 1945, was the event that marked the consolidation of the society of control and the reinvention of disciplines. A new way of thinking the security of people and spaces has emerged, beyond the surveillance and combat in the sea, land and air. At the same time that an international law capable of curbing genocide and ethnocide was sought, it was necessary to imagine new ways of articulating peoples and policies and to deal with the resulting struggle of the end of the war known as Cold War. The planet, its own existence in the solar system, in the universe – no longer known as infinite, but guided by the notion of unfinished as an ever expanding universe – slowly replaces the territorial experience. The territory and the population are encompassed by "ecosystems" and are pushed to space: the importance of humanity emerges and becomes target of rights, policies, programs and resistances.


The end of World War II allowed the peoples an attempt to give back its humanity, after genocides and ethnocides committed on behalf of Men and its civilization. An alert was raised regarding the guarantees for the continuation of the lives of minorities. The rights of minorities start to become civil law, articulated to new ways of undertaking parliamentary or extra-parliamentary politics. The 1968 event opened space to the emergence of rights of minorities incorporated in statutes, protocols, declarations, norms and slowly absorbed the leadership of social movements in a large flux. The minorities, eager to become majority, fill the temporary gap between political parties and social movements.


The outer space controls foster studies about the undermost, expressed in nanotechnologies of the body and of the planet, which lead to new war threats, the creation of biological weapons and knowledge development for increasing life expectancy. Together with this intelligent, productive and participatory people, the society of control has produced a pool of terrorists that act directly against civilians in local, national and transterritorial environments. Security encompasses what is considered organized crime, ranging from groups dedicated to customary illegal practices to the surveillance of cities and populations by private security companies and mercenaries.


Since the end of the 20th Century, an international environmental regime was established, promoting a global environmental law related to: new transterritorial governmental practices, preservation of the planet, reconstitution of degraded zones, preservation of areas with relevant ecosystems and reduction of damage to the environment provoked by transterritorial capitalism and consequences of the socialist planning. This regime results in conferences, treaties, protocols and recommendations that guide governmental policies, NGOs and corporate policies. It provokes actions from civil society with ways of preventing and managing environmental degradation compatible with profits. It triggers new ecologically correct corporate fields and reshapes corporate activities to achieve the sustainable development.

borderless penalizations

The effects of the Universal Declarations of Human Rights have slowly hampered totalitarisms and authoritarian regimes. Its consequences have favored the conditions for democracy to emerge as a resistance device, utopia of globalization, procedure for organizing the economy and customs synchronized with computer and information mechanisms of the society of control. The metropolitan areas occupied by poor and miserable population, with shifting boundaries, can be considered concentration camps – paradoxically produced in an era in which it is possible to move and produce freely through fluxes of surface, depth and outer space. The transition from human rights to rights of minorities have contributed to enhancing institutionalized and state driven controls, on behalf of renovation or correction of inequalities through the government of conducts.



Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Design: DTI - Núcleo de Mídias Digitais
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