Novidades |
THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT The Millennium Project is a global participatory think tank founded in 1996 under the American Council for the United Nations University. It became an independent NGO in 2009 and has grown to 71 Nodes around the world, produced 58 global futures research studies (most recent is Work/Technology 2050: Scenarios and Actions), published 19 State of the Future reports, produced Futures Research Methodologies 3.0, and has supervised over 400 Tele-Interns and in-person Interns in Washington, DC. Mara Di Berardo, MP
MILLENNIM PROJECT ANNUAL MEETING IN DUBAI NOVEMBER 2023 The Millennium Project is a global participatory think tank established in 1996 under the American Council for the United Nations University that became independent in 2009 and has grown to 73 Nodes around the world. Purpose: Improve humanity’s prospects for building a better future. Mission: Improve thinking about the future and make that thinking available through a variety of media for feedback to accumulate wisdom about the future for better decisions today. Vision: A global foresight network of Nodes, information, and software, building a global collective intelligence system recognized for its ability to improve prospects for humanity. A think tank on behalf of humanity, not on behalf of a government, or an issue, or an ideology, but on behalf of building a better future for all of us.
#146 Millennium Project Iraq & Kurdistan Node Intro Meeting 2023
EL PASADO 1 DE MARZO SE CELEBRÓ EL DÍA INTERNACIONAL DEL FUTURO Este es un nuevo día festivo creado no para celebrar algo ya ocurrido sino para festejar un mundo nuevo lleno de posibilidades. El primer Día Internacional del Futuro se realizó el 1 de marzo del año 2012 gracias a la iniciativa de la organización Humanidad+ ( que era conocida antes como la Asociación Transhumanista Mundial, de la cual soy su vicepresidente. Durante más de una década, el Día Internacional del Futuro ha ido creciendo gracias al apoyo de organizaciones internacionales como el Millennium Project ( junto con otros grupos dedicados a visualizar y crear futuros posibles.
THE GLOBAL 50 50 new and inspiring future opportunities to improve growth, prosperity and well-being. Dubai Future Foundation launches the third edition of this report to share its vision of the future based on uncertainties, assumptions, and megatrends. The report takes a deep dive into understanding the future and envisioning its opportunities in light of the world’s most rapidly-evolving advancements and quantum shifts that will reshape vital sectors, while simultaneously altering our views on our human, cultural and societal norms. Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi
The Millennium Project’s Real-Time Delphi on future issues of Global Governance of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will be open until Dec. 31, 2023 All those studying or working on future AI and governance are invited to share their judgements on the elements necessary for safe and productive global governance of AGI. If you gave your answers already, please return to see what others have written. You are also welcome to edit and add to your statement.
2023 in review: Jerome Glenn prepared his annual 2023 year in review A list of some of the most important events and news of 2023. Read the list and compare with previous years.
“Prospectiva del siglo XXI: Megatendencias y escenarios futuros” - January 15- 19, 2024: a new online training course coordinated by Héctor Casanueva (Chile Node Chair) and organized by the Instituto de Estudios Internacionales in collaboration with the Chilean Council for Prospective and Strategy, The Millennium Project, and RIBER
FEN Demo Hour on Applied Futures - Jan. 25, 2024: FEN member Jacob Langvad Nilsson will present his newly developed futures method Applied Futures, a framework for integrating strategic foresight into immediate practice. Discover more and register for free
Future of Democracy – Reykjavík, Iceland, February 21-23, 2024: Karl Friðriksson (Iceland Node Chair), Martin Kruse (Denmark Node Chair), and Toni Ahlquist (Helsinki Node Co-Chair) invite you to submit abstracts on “How can we inspire the rest of the world to renew democracy for the 21st century?”.
Futures of Natural Resources – Turku, Finland, June 13-14, 2024: 24th international Futures Conference organized by the Finland Futures Research Centre and the Finland Futures Academy, University of Turku, hosting our Helsinki Node, in collaboration with the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE). Submit your abstract by Jan. 31, 2024
CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE UN PACT FOR THE FUTURE BY THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT AGI, artificial intelligence, Chile Node, Pact for the Future, Summit of the Future, united nations. Many from The Millennium Project attendend the recent virtual consultation on the Summit of the Future organized by the Co-Facilitators of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Process of the Summit and held on December 13, 2023. Jerome Glenn, executive director and co-founder of The Millennium Project, and Ambassodor Héctor Casanueva, Founding Chair of the Chile Node of The Millennium Project and Director of the Chilean Council of Foresight and Strategy, gave separate oral statements to the “Pact for the Future” as input to the planning for the UN Summit of the Future. Mara Di Berardo
LA QUINTA REVOLUCIÓN TECNOLÓGICA (5RT) YA ESTÁ CERCA, ESTAREMOS PREPARADOS PARA INSERTARNOS EN ELLA? Se realizó en Emiratos Árabes Unidos el Dubai Future Forum, organizado por la Dubai Future Foundation, quien invitó a más de 500 futuristas de todo el mundo para conversar sobre el futuro de la Humanidad en los próximos años. Lo que pude sacar como conclusión de estos dos días, es que la Quinta Revolución Tecnológica (5RT) está ya muy cerca, posiblemente haga su aparición antes o durante el 2030. De la misma forma en que la 4RT nació de la convergencia tecnológica NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno)(*), que ha producido hasta el momento unas cuatro generaciones de tecnologías trasformadoras, la 5RT se producirá por la convergencia de 4 grupos de tecnologías: La inteligencia artificial general, La computación cuántica, Las tecnologías NetZero, La biología cuántica. Fernando Ortega San Martín
DUBAI FUTURE FORUM Dubai is at the forefront of shaping the future, and our journey will persist as we work towards offering the world na integrated model for future design, embracing a culture of readiness for global transformations and the countless opportunities that arise as a result. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai
RECENT NEWS FROM THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT Real-Time Delphi on future issues of Global Governance of Artificial Gen.ral Intelligence (A MP Planning Committee Meeting – Dubai GI). “Latinoamérica 2050. Retos, escenarios y acciones. Virtual consultation on the Summit of the Future. Plus : Recent News - The Millennium Project Nodes. Emerging futures: impacts on Society. Delphi-based Visual Scenarios. Special Millennium Project Session on Flourishing Urban Futures to Overcome Polycrisis – Roadmap for Resilience 2050” and on Rosa Alegria (Brazil Node Chair)’ keynote speech on “Intergenerational Dialogue. FEN Demo Hour on Imagination and Feminist Futures
RECENT NEWS - THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT NODE BRAZIL Education of the futures Series - Nov. 29: the Brazilian Futures Group of the Sao Paulo Catholic University organizes the last interactive online seminar of the year for the series, with the participation of Arnoldo de Hoyos (Brazil Node Co-Chair).
Real-Time Delphi on future issues of Global Governance of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – deadline Dec. 31, 2023: The Millennium Project invites all those studying or working on the theme to share their judgements on the elements necessary for safe and productive global governance of AGI in our new online Real-Time Delphi. Read more and join
MP Planning Committee Meeting Dubai, Nov. 25-26, 2023: Updates on the most recent activities run by The Millennium Project and its Nodes and next steps will be discussed and shared. Read the agenda and see who will be participating
Latinoamérica 2050. Retos, escenarios y acciones new publication by the Mexico and the Bolivia Nodes: 25 Latin American futurists, from ten different countries, develop an in-depth diagnosis, based on the 15 Global Challenges facing humanity, of the main threats and opportunities that are currently facing the Latin American region. Read more & order
Dubai Future Forum – Nov. 27-28, 2023: DFF is the second edition of one of the world’s largest gathering of Futurists taking place at the Museum of the Future in Dubai. Read who from the Millennium Project will be joining the event as keynote speaker and meet all those
Virtual consultation on the Summit of the Future Dec. 13, 2023: The Co-Facilitators of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Process of the Summit of the Future invites major groups and other stakeholders (MGoS) and civil society representatives to this virtual consultation. Read more and register
Education of the futures Series Nov. 29: the Brazilian Futures Group of the Sao Paulo Catholic University organizes the last interactive online seminar of the year for the series, with the participation of Arnoldo de Hoyos (Brazil Node Co-Chair)
FEN Demo Hour on FutureGov game Dec. 14, 2023: The next free meeting organized by our Foresight Europe Network for its monthly Demo Hour series will be focused on a speculative policy dialogue tool developed at the EU Policy Lab. Read more and register
ANPROTEC 2023 conference Nov. 6-8, 2023: during the last day of this annual meeting on innovation and society in Brazil, Rosa Alegria (Brazil Node Co-Chair) introduced the 3 “Work/Tech 2050” scenarios by The Millennium Project during the panel on “Emerging futures: impacts on society”. Read more
“Delphi-based visual scenarios: An innovative use of generative adversarial networks” is a new open publication by Simone Di Zio (Italy Node Co-Chair), Yuri Calleo, and Mario Bolzan (Italy Node member) on Futures vol. 154 that proposes a new method for the development of Delphi-based Visual Scenarios (DBVS) adopting GANs
Futuuri Special Issue: this special issue of the newsletter by the Finland Futures Research Centre, hosting the Helsinki Node, is focused on the Futures Conference 2024 and includes articles reports on the Special Millennium Project Session on Flourishing Urban Futures to Overcome Polycrisis – Roadmap for Resilience 2050” and on Rosa Alegria (Brazil Node Chair)’ keynote speech on “Intergenerational Dialogue”
FEN Demo Hour on Imagination and Feminist Futures Nov., 16, 2023, from 16:00 - 17:30 CET: the recording of the meeting is now available on our YouTube Channel
EMPOWERING FUTURES CONFERENCE MINI REPORT “Empowering Futures – Long-term Governance, Democracy and Futures Research” was the 23rd international Futures Conference – Futures Conference 2023 – organized by the Finland Futures Research Centre and the Finland Futures Academy, University of Turku, Finland, hosting the Helsinki Node of The Millennium Project. The Millennium Project featured a Special Session at the conference on June 15 chaired by Sirkka Heinonen: ‘Flourishing Urban Futures To Overcome Polycrises – Roadmap for Resilience 2050‘. At the beginning of the session, Jerome Glenn gave an inspiring (virtual) keynote titled ‘How and what to regulate to help cities prepare for crises and even polycrises in our age of digitalisation and fast developing AI?’, followed by a Q&A section. Among the audience we had Brazilian Node Chair Rosa Alegria, who was one of the keynote speakers of the conference
THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT NEWSLETTER A new issue of our 2023 Newsletter is out! Read more about the advancements in our Study on International Governance Issue for Artificial General Intelligence, what happened in recent meetings in Spain and in the Futures Conference in Finland, and recent activities on our 15 global challenges
THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT RECEIVES THE 2023’S AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION – USA The winners of the Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 by Acquisition International have just been announced and The Millennium Project has been awarded for Excellence in Innovation – USA! The Non-Profit Organisation Awards aim to reward Non-profit organizations that globaly that play a monumental role in solving some of our biggest global challenges
INTERNATIONAL STUDY PROJECTS SCENARIOS FOR THE FUTURE OF WORK IN 2050 The Laboratory of the Future, part of the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Engineering Research (Coppe/UFRJ) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, conducted a study in collaboration with the Millennium Project. The study envisages three scenarios for the future of work and technology up to 2050, taking into account current technological advancements and their potential implications. In addition to projecting possible futures, the report provides insights into the perspectives of economically advanced nations as well as other countries. Optimistic projection indicates the emergence of new professions.
MILLENNIUM PROJECT NEWS UPDATE Global Futures Research Capacity
VON DER LEYEN ANUNCIA LA DÉCIMA TANDA DE SANCIONES CONTRA RUSIA PARA EL PRIMER ANIVERSARIO DE LA INVASIÓN La presidenta de la Comisión Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, ha anunciado este jueves desde Kiev junto al presidente ucraniano, Volodimir Zelenski, nuevas sanciones de la Unión Europea contra Rusia para el primer aniversario de la invasión, el próximo 24 de febrero. "Estamos haciendo que (el presidente ruso, Vladimir) Putin pague por su guerra atroz", ha señalado desde la capital ucraniana, a donde se ha desplazado una quincena de comisarios para discutir cara a cara los avances de Ucrania na adesão. Von der Leyen ha prometido así que Europa aumentará la presión sobre Moscú.
CONSEJO CHILENO DE PROSPECTIVA Y ESTRATEGIA El Congreso del Futuro, evento anual organizado por la Comisión Desafíos del Futuro, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del Senado de la República de Chile y la Fundación Encuentros del Futuro, se define a sí mismo como la plataforma de intercambio de ideas más importante de América Latina. Paula Solar Oliver
FIVE UN FORESIGHT ELEMENTS OF OUR COMMON AGENDA. A Report to the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General by The Millennium Project
MP LIFEBOAT FOUNDATION GUARDIAN AWARD This year's recipients are Jerome C. Glenn and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who are defending against world existential risks and country existential risks, respectively. Hopefully this will help with funding for the full proposal on the transition from artificial narrow to artificial general intelligence governance issues
MP at DUBAI FUTURE FORUM 2022 The Dubai Future Forum, the first edition of one of the world’s largest gathering of Futurists, took place in October 10-12, 2022 at the Museum of the Future in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This year’s Forum hosted 30 sessions with a focus on four key themes: the Future of our World; Mitigating Existential Risk through Foresight; Value and Humanity; and Hedging our Bets through Foresight.
DUBAI FUTURE FORUM The inaugural Dubai Future Forum is an annual event hosted by the Dubai Future Foundation convening over 400 of the world’s top futurists to Dubai to anticipate challenges, imagine opportunities, share foresight, and shape the future. Taking place over two days at the iconic Museum of the Future, the Forum will provide an international platform for futurists and thought leaders, from diverse sectors, to build a long-lasting community by engaging on tomorrow’s most pressing issues; cementing Dubai’s position as a rising global hub for futures leadership and action.
HOW PAKISTANS FLOOD CRISIS BENDS CLIMATE TALKS TOWARDS REPARATIONS Together, the US and China have created enough atmospheric impact to cost the world about $1.8 trillion. The US alone was responsible for 16.5% of global GDP losses from climate change from 1990 to 2014, according to research by the Dartmouth team. (Check out the full story in Bloomberg Green to see the eye-opening graphics explaining this economic research as well as satellite data tracking the destruction in Pakistan. Few countries are as vulnerable as Pakistan. Its cities regularly record some of the hottest temperatures in the world, including a springtime heat wave this year made 30 times more likely by greenhouse gases). E. Roson
EL CAMINO HACIA UN NUEVO PROCESO CONSTITUYENTE CHILENO A la vista de lo aprendido y lo esperado para la siguiente oportunidad, la nueva Carta Magna será mucho más “modesta” y no aspirará a transformaciones tan profundas. C. Roman
CAPITAL FLOWS TO LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN FIRST EIGHT MONTHS OF 2022 Against a backdrop of tightening global financing conditions, total Latin American and Caribbean bond issuance in international markets in the first eight months of 2022 was down more than 50% from the same period in 2021. International bond issuance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) bonds —including green, social, sustainability and sustainability-linked bonds— from the region also slowed in the first eight months of 2022, albeit less markedly than total issuance. The share of these bonds in the region’s total issuance increased to 34% from 31% in the year-earlier period.
THE UNITED NATIONS TAKES ON THE FUTURE: THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT ASSESSED THE BEST STRATEGIES UNSG 's report on UN reform Our Common Agenda includes five foresight elements. The Millennium Project released an international strategic assessment of these. If the five foresight elements in Our Common Agenda are implemented along the lines of The Millennium Project study, it could be the greatest advance for global futures or foresight in history. Jerome Gleen, MILLENNIUM PROJECT CORPORATION
HOW WE DEFEAT THE AGRICULTURAL GREAT RESET Russell Brand interviews environmental activist and author, Vandana Shiva. Dr. Shiva explains how the mainstream media have distorted the Dutch Farmer protests, claiming that shutting down small farms utilizing chemical fertilizers is the solution to the environmental and climate crisis. But the global elite, using the rhetoric of a Great Reset, and the strategy of “divide and rule,” are actually carrying out a 21st Century colonial land grab, driving small farmers and ranchers off the land, promising that pesticides, GMOs, lab food, and big data will make us healthy, happy and prosperous.
MANY AMERICANS SAY THEY HAVE SHIFTED THEIR PRIORITIES AROUND HEALTH AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES DURING COVID19 The coronavirus outbreak has transformed many aspects of public life since 2020, including how Americans work, go to school and attend religious services. Respondents in our recent survey described – in their own words – how their priorities changed during the pandemic. Around a quarter of those who responded (26%) said keeping healthy became more important to them. Many respondents (21%) talked about their renewed appreciation for social activities, but 35% said socializing and going out had decreased in priority for them. PeW
DESLOCAMENTO GLOBAL ATINGE NOVO RECORDE E REFORÇA TENDÊNCIA DE CRESCIMENTO DA ÚLTIMA DÉCADA Apesar de alguns sinais de progresso, a velocidade e a escala do deslocamento forçado estão além das soluções para pessoas refugiadas. Ao final de 2021, o número de pessoas deslocadas por guerras, violência, perseguições e abusos de direitos humanos chegou a 89,3 milhões (um crescimento de 8% em relação ao ano anterior e bem mais que o dobro verificado há 10 anos), de acordo com o relatório “Tendências Globais”, uma publicação estatística anual do ACNUR. Desde então, a invasão da Ucrânia pela Rússia – que causou a mais veloz e uma das maiores crises de deslocamento forçado de pessoas desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial – e outras emergências humanitárias, da África ao Afeganistão e além, elevaram este número para a marca dramática de 100 milhões.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS CREATING A NEW COLONIAL WORLD ORDER This story is the introduction to MIT Technology Review’s series on AI colonialismo. Over the last few years, an increasing number of scholars have argued that the impact of AI is repeating the patterns of colonial history. European colonialism, they say, was characterized by the violent capture of land, extraction of resources, and exploitation of people—for example, through slavery—for the economic enrichment of the conquering country. While it would diminish the depth of past traumas to say the AI industry is repeating this violence today, it is now using other, more insidious means to enrich the wealthy and powerful at the great expense of the poor.
IN THE US AND AROUND THE WORLD INFLATION IS HIGH AND GETTING HIGHER BY DREW DESILVER Two years ago, with millions of people out of work and central bankers and politicians striving to lift the U.S. economy out of a pandemic-induced recession, inflation seemed like an afterthought. A year later, with unemployment falling and the inflation rate rising, many of those same policymakers insisted that the price hikes were “transitory” – a consequence of snarled supply chains, labor shortages and other issues that would right themselves sooner rather than later.
RETHINKING CRITICAL SOCIETAL SYSTEMS – Can a Common Global Agenda Help? Futurists have always warned that, one day, each of our critical systems will stop being fit for purpose and that we have to think ahead about what comes next. What’s striking from our conversations with clients around the world today is how many of these systems seem to be running out of steam at roughly the same time – nationally and globally. In many parts of the world we can see what seem to be quite serious fault lines appearing in critical systems that form part of our societal infrastructure. At the same time there are lots of indicators that there is hope on the horizon.
WORK/TECHNOLOGY: 2050 Scenarios and Actions Report on a three-year international study that produced three detailed scenarios, conducted 30 national workshops in 29 countries, identified hundreds of action distilled to 93 that were assessed by hundreds of futurists and related experts in over 50 countries. Income gaps are widening, the concentration of wealth is increasing, jobless economic growth seems the new norm, and return on investment in capital and technology is usually better than in labor. As labor costs go up and AI and robot costs go down, manufacturing and service unemployment rates are expected to increase. Three scenarios are: It’s Complicated—A Mixed Bag, Political/Economic Turmoil—Future Despair, If Humans Were Free—The Self-Actualization Economy. MP
CELEBRATE WORLD FUTURES DAY HOSTED BY THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT Beginning March 1 in New Zealand at 12 noon NZ time, the open conversation on how to build a better future will move west each hour. Anyone can join in at 12 noon their time to explore with futurists and others possibilities for our common future. Each year, for the past eight years, global thought leaders have shared their views about future global issues, such as future consequences of COVID-19, governing artificial intelligence, inventing future concepts of work, building space elevators to orbital cities, reducing climate change, guaranteeing safe water and energy, fighting transnational organized crime, developing future forms of democracy, countering information warfare, incorporating global ethics in decisionmaking, enforcing safety standards for synthetic biology, and the future of humanity.
World Future Day | Teach the Future
MP COVID-19 SCENARIOS The three scenarios incorporated input from over 250 medical doctors, public health professionals, emergency relief staff, economists, and futurists in five US and international Real-Time Delphi studies (a unique interactive survey process). These studies assessed the possible best, worst, and most likely conditions by January, 2022. J. Gleen COVID-19 Scenarios – The Millennium Project
THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING DEC 15 2021 The annual meeting of the Millennium Project Planning Committee will virtually take place on December 15, 2021, from 6:00 am to 9:30 am California time (PT); 9:00 am to 12:30 pm New York time; 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm Central European time; 11:00 pm to 2:30 am South Korea time; and 11 am to 2:30 pm Brazil. MP-PC 2021 Meeting |
MP WORLD FUTURE DAY March 1 2021 This will be the eighth year that futurists and the general public will conduct a 24-hour, round-the-world conversation on the future on March 1 at 12 noon in whatever time zone you are in. Each year, total strangers discuss ideas about possible worlds of tomorrow in a relaxed, open, no-agenda conversation. Futures research is shared, collaborations are created, and new friendships are made. Co-sponsors with The Millennium Project are: Association of Professional Futurists; Humanity+, UNESCO’s Global Futures Literacy Network; World Academy of Art and Science; and World Futures Studies Federation. MP
What's Next for the COVID Pandemic in the US? Three Futures of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States: January 1, includes three scenarios, each about 10 pages of rich detail describing how the future of the Pandemic may evolve to 2022. “These scenarios are the best integration of medical, health, socio-economic, and psychological factors of the possible future courses of the COVID pandemic we have,“ Trevor Riggen, Sr. VP American Red Cross. MP
Work/Technology 2050: Scenarios and Actions A Report on a three-year international study that produced three detailed scenarios, conducted 30 national workshops in 29 countries, identified hundreds of action distilled to 93 that were assessed by hundreds of futurists and related experts in over 50 countries. Income gaps are widening, the concentration of wealth is increasing, jobless economic growth seems the new norm, and return on investment in capital and technology is usually better than in labor. As labor costs go up and AI and robot costs go down, manufacturing and service unemployment rates are expected to increase. So, what to do. results were used to create three draft scenarios to 2050: It’s Complicated—A Mixed Bag, Political/Economic Turmoil—Future Despair and If Humans Were Free—The Self-Actualization Economy. From ther were built the 93 possible actions. MP
MP History and Future The Millennium Project is a global participatory think tank founded in 1996 under the American Council for the United Nations University. It became an independent NGO in 2009 and has grown to 70 Nodes around the world, produced more than 58 global futures research studies, published 19 State of the Future reports, produced Futures Research Methodologies 3.0, invented and manages the Global Futures Intelligence System, and has supervised over 350 Interns. MP
UPDATE TO LIMITS TO GROWTH Comparing the World3 model with empirical data In the 1972 bestseller Limits to Growth (LtG), the authors concluded that, if global society kept pursuing economic growth, it would experience a decline in food production, industrial output, and ultimately population, within this century. The LtG authors used a system dynamics model to study interactions between global variables, varying model assumptions to generate different scenarios. Previous empirical-data comparisons since then by Turner showed closest alignment with a scenario that ended in collapse. Gaya Herrington
STRATEGIC FORUM - PLANNING FOR TRANSFORMATIVE CHANGE The pandemic and other threats like climate change pose an existential challenge to organizations everywhere, and they have made it clear that the present global order is not sustainable. The World Economic Forum called for “A Great Reset” in all spheres of society. Leaders in business, government and other institutions need to plan for transformative change – NOW. The TechCast Project draws on its leading research to bring authoritative studies on the crucial issues of today to a broader audience. W. Halal, June 30 2021
CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX (CPI) 2020 2020 proved to be one of the worst years in recent history, with the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating effects. The health and economic impact on individuals and communities worldwide has been catastrophic. As the past tumultuous year has shown, COVID-19 is not just a health and economic crisis, but a corruption crisis as well, with countless lives lost due to the insidious effects of corruption undermining a fair. Delia Ferreira Rubio Chair, Transparency International
THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT NEWSLETTER 7.0 The Millennium Project Newsletter 7.0 present News regarding: What's Next for the COVID Pandemic?, World Future Day March 1, 2021, TIA for Pakistan 's State of the Future Index, The Philippines Becomes the 67th Node, Short Video Reports from Nodes Available, RIBER (Ibero-American Prospective Network), FEN (Foresight European Network) and Narrow AI to Artificial General Intelligence
UNESCO FUTURES LITERACY SUMMIT REPORT & VIDEOS The UNESCO Futures Literacy Summit December 8-12 was probably the largest virtual gathering of futurists since the World Future Society’s physical conference in Toronto in 1981 with over 5,000 registered participants. Nearly 8,000 people signed in to the summit platform at
The Millennium Project 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW
COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE TO SOLVE THE MEGACRISIS In short, I think the world is heading toward some type of historic shift in consciousness, a collective epiphany, a code of global ethics, a spiritual revolution, a political paradigm shift or a new mindset. Without a consciousness based on global unity, cooperation and other essential beliefs, there seems little hope. And with a shift to global consciousness, it all seems possible.
Press section of the Millennium Project website
MP Nodes map 2020
Millennium Project Nodes 2020 Countries report
MPP - 2018 - SOF WORLD
MP Work/Technology 2050: SCENARIOS AND ACTIONS
International Women’s Day
On International Women’s Day we should reflect besides % of Women in Parlament that WHO indicate that about 1 in 3 (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. |
MP 15 Global Challenges 5 minutes vídeos
Trabajo/Tecnología 2050. Escenarios y Acciones" del Millennium Project.
The Millennium Project Newsletter 6.0
STEM Education is Not Enough to Address the Future of Work and Long-Range Global Technological Changes
Work/Technology 2050: Scenarios and Actions
The Future’s latest Radical Technologies report
El futuro de Europa y América Latina
Leadership for the Americas 2017-2018 Report
A new updated set of short videos for the 15 Global Challenges is now available
Global Challenge 1 |Global Challenge 2 |Global Challenge 3 |Global Challenge 4 |Global Challenge 5 |Global Challenge 6 |Global Challenge 7 |Global Challenge 8 |Global Challenge 9 |Global Challenge 10 |Global Challenge 11 |Global Challenge 12 |Global Challenge 13 |Global Challenge 14 |Global Challenge 15 |
On World Future Day ( March 1, 2019 ) we get the confirmation that that The Millennium Project is a strategic partner of the Organization of American States (OAS) Commission on Science and Technology (la Comisión Interamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología (COMCYT) to help develop activities related to Technological Foresight. Jerry Glenn |
Vídeo | Site |
Newsletter 5.0 |
Site I | Site II | Video |
Work/Technology 2050 |
Agenda Accomplishments 2018 |
Kuala Lampur 2018 |
Roundtable on Governance & Law Challenges & Opportunities |
The Future of Democracy: Meeting the Governance |
Most Significant Futures Works (Msfw) |
2018 Agenda Accomplishment |
Work-Tech 2050 Draft Report for MPPC |
RTD reports to assess actions to address future work/tech issues |
The Millennium Project Newsletter 4.0 |
Global Futures Intelligence System - GFIS
Site / Vídeo / PDF |
Newsletter 3.0 |
“Foresight Manual – Empowered Future for the 2030 Agenda” |
Infografico The Millennium Project |
Vídeo - Conferência México 2017 | In the Global Future: 2050 |
SOF 19.0 |
Encontros com o Futuro: O PROJETO MILLENNIUM LANÇA NOVO RELATÓRIO - Estado do Futuro 19.0 |
Conference 2017: Mexico in the Global Future: 2050 |
Barry B. Hughes, Ph.D., Founder - Pardee Center for International Futures. |
World University Consortium |
World Academy of Art & Science |
Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds |
Leadership challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution |
The Geo-6 Process |
Innovative Research Methodologies in Management |
The Atlas Of Futurism |
White Paper on The Future Of Europe |
Surprising Energy Futures: Testing Resilience of Renewable Energy World With Black Swans |